Horse Racing pace ratings are generally made up using a runner’s early position in a race.
To get this information you look at the comments from the runner’s race (Unless you watch it and make notes yourself) and put it into one of the following categories.
1. Led
2. Behind leader (Prominent)
3. Midfield
4. Behind.
Sometimes it can be quite a challenge from the comments to make out exactly where the runner was but generally, after reading them for a few days you will get a feeling for the writer means.
When I created the Pace Ratings for TTS and TTS + I had to create an algorithm that read close to 100 different words and word combinations.
That’s only because the algorithm is a program and needs “exacts” and cannot make assumptions like we are able to.
I am not that good at programming!
Once you have started to gather information about the runner's past pace you can now use that to determine the way it generally likes to run a race.
The first thing you have to decide is how far you go back.
The general feeling seems to be the last 4 recent races give you a good idea of how the horse may normally run.
I also only went back 6 months which seems to work ok but because of that (In some cases) we only had one or two pace figures and in others, we had all four.
The other thing you may want to do is turn the pace into a useful figure that will help you get a better like for like understanding of all runners in the race.
I did this by adding the 4 rating figures together and then dividing that number by how many ratings we were using.
We now end up with an idea of the pace of the race.
With this information and a bit of research, you can start to spot where there may be a strong paced runner who could just run away with a race…
…Or a slow-paced race where the winner could actually come from anywhere.
When it comes to in-running trading we are looking for runners that are likely to be near the front that should cause their prices to drop.
So, the pace rating is a good place to start when looking for front-runners.
If you add that to other ratings available in TTS or TTS+ then you have plenty of information to look for strong (or weak) runners that have a good chance of trading the way you are expecting.